Pirate Guide Camp Skit


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Every day, 97 things happen that I am sure someone would get a good laugh. I may or may not be laughing at them. I had three adorable, manageable kids, then I had Brock, who is now the cutest, most loving 3 year old in the world, at select moments. Brock has a little brother named Blake, in the BTP, (Brockstar Training Program). I am 34 years old, have been married for 13 years, have 5 kids and sing now and then. I like to create, NOT COOK or CLEAN, which is turning out to be a great challenge since I am in charge of a house with 7 PEOPLE!

I do love the people, though. Here for you all to laugh at me and with me, is a record of my funny life, the mistakes I make, and the lessons I learn while trying to earn, MY BIG GIRL PANTS. Note- I'd love to hear how this went if you use it! Where’s the Treasure? BH6th Ward New Beginnings Leader Skit January 2011 By Loni Stookey Captain Mel: Hoist the colors, maties!

It’ s going to be a rough sail! All: Aye Aye! Tia: (Super Cheesy and with a salute) Alrighty Captain!

(Cap't Mel “Sails” the ship while someone sprays water from a spray bottle or throws blue confetti over the bow of the ship at her. Tia and Angela put up flags) Tiffany: (Loud whisper to everyone else, scared the captain will hear) Ahoy! It seems we have misplaced our treasure chest! Taryn: Blast treasure burying! All: Where’s the gold?


Who took the gold? Who Buried it last? Who was watching?(ETC.

Looking around the ship panicking, petty fighting breaking out) Loni: Did you look in the stern? Emily: Did you look on the poop deck?

Cap't Mel: Argh! What be the situation, maties?! Angela: The flags are all here captain, but(Dramatic pause) Mel: But what!? You Landlubber!

Taryn: (Scared with Angela hiding behind her now) But we can’t find the treasure! Cap't Mel: (Yelling) But you can’t find the treasure!? The GOLD and the JEWELS!? Loni: Yes Captain, everything is here, but the treasure! Cap't Mel: Shiver me timbers!

We be pirates! We can’t sail without a treasure! We’ve been seeking after those things! Tiffany: Captain?

Can we pillage a village and take THEIR gold and jewels? Cap't Mel: We can't steal this kind of gold and jewels! We have to have our own! Arghhhhhh, we must have buried it to keep it safe! Emily: But we’re gonna need it before we can sail through this storm!

Cap't Mel: Aye. And find that treasure!

Pirate Guide Camp Skit

(to Angela) To the crow’s nest! Angela: Aye Aye Captain! I’ll keep my eye out! (Take out candy eyeball and put on eye patch) And if I see any new pirates, I’ll whistle a merry tune! Like this.(Do something funny) then we’ll find out if the new pirate knows anything about out pirate treasure!

Taryn: Maybe someone Hornswaggled our treasure! Emily: Hey Captain!

How would someone hornswaggle a pirate’s treasure? (Everyone gather around for story time, get a bear or blankie or popcorn etc.) Cap't Mel: (Intense like a scary story around a camp fire) Well!

They sneak it one piece at a time, so you don’t notice. Loni: Oh, I would notice! Taryn: (Push me) no you wouldn’t Angela: Yes she would! (Yelling from the crow’s nest) (Fighting and bickering breaks out, shoving etc.

Over the issue) Cap't Mel: Quiet you scurvy dogs! It’s like when someone watches tv or a movie that everyone else watches, and you know the spirit is tellin’ them it’s not ok, but they watch it anyway. That’s how someone starts stealing your treasure!

Tia: (raises hand) What about when you listen to music, cause you just like the beat, but the song talks about something no respectable pirate should do? Cap't Mel: HORNSWAGGLED! They’re takin’ yer treasure! Tia: Captain?

Pirate Guide Camp Skits

Why is our gold and jewels so important? Cap't Mel: Why, gold is a pirate’s Virtue! You are pirates, but first, you are daughters of a Heavenly Father who loves you! Do you love Him? All: Aye Captain! Cap't Mel: (go into revival mode- this could all be inappropriate here!) Do you want to live with Him again some day?

Dudsbury Guide Camp

All: Aye Captain! Cap't Mel: Then you GOT TO.

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