Enovia User Guide Oracle


Enovia User Guide Oracle Average ratng: 4,9/5 8702 reviews

Feb 16, 2010 - quick-start PLM implementation, or to extend an existing SmarTeam deployment. A new document, the SmarTeam - Job Server Administration Guide. ENOVIA SmarTeam ships with IBM DB2 or Oracle Relational.

This page deals with the options concerning:. VPM Interoperability Administration Selecting the Disable CATIAV5 VPM DB connection check box allows you to remove the database connection required when using CATIA V5 with VPM V4. This avoids problems related to the security and administration due to the initialization of such database connection.

There are three push buttons in this section:. Selecting the Database Administration option lets you define the parameters for connection to the CDM databases you wish to use (see 'Connecting an ORACLE or DB2 Database to Your CATIA Version 5 Environment' in the ENOVIAVPM User's Guide). Selecting the Database Server Dictionary option lets you define a CDM dictionary associated with a server.

Selecting the ENOVIAvpm/Product Structure Mapping option lets you map CDM and assembly attributes (see 'Mapping CDM and Assembly Attributes' in the ENOVIA VPM User's Guide). Selecting ENOVIAvpm/Product Structure Nodes Customisation option lets you customize the display of nodes in Catia by selecting required attributes to load from VPMV4 PSN Display Options. Selecting the Automatic Highlight in PSN check box sets the automatic highlight for the identification of models in a PSN graph from a Version 5 session and vice-versa. This means that whenever you select one or more models in a PSN graph they are automatically highlighted in the Version 5 session. When selected in a Version 5 session, they are automatically highlighted in the corresponding PSN graph.

If you do decide to use this option you should be aware that performance will be adversely affected. Customize Session Building. Selecting the Load all EnoviaVPM properties check box means that when a session is built all the properties visualized in VPM that have not been mapped will be loaded as user properties.

If you do decide to use this option you should be aware that performance will be adversely affected. When the cache mode is on, the user properties in the Product: Added Properties section of the Properties dialog box are not visible because the Part reference is not loaded. Selecting the Disable Applicative Object management check box speeds up performance.

If you do decide to use this option you should be aware that V5 applicative objects such as publications, constraints, etc. Will neither be saved nor stored in the database. VPM Cache Management Selecting the Work with the V4 VPM cache system check box allows you to:. Use the cache system and provide the location of the V4 local cache in the field VPM Cache path. Set percentage of use cache to be set. Selecting the Manual cache cleaning check box allows you to to set the percentage of usage.

VPM Save Panel Management. Selecting the Disable the VPM Save Commit Panel check box enables you to dispense with the Save Commit dialog box. Selecting the Disable the VPM Save Report Panel check box enables you to dispense with the Save Report dialog box. VPM LCA Vault Save If you select the Enable Direct V5 Vault Save check box, then during save, CATIA will first check if VPM supports direct save into LCA vault by CV5. VPM will save data to LCA vault if this check box is clear. FBDI Panel Management.

Selecting the Ask before overwrite existing parts check box displays a message before writing on the existing part from the database. Selecting the Never overwrite existing parts check box does not allow you to overwrite the existing parts.

Setting Up Databases for the ENOVIA Version 5 Server on Windows Setting Up Databases for the ENOVIA Version 5 Server on Windows This section explains how to create a database for the ENOVIA V5 server using the IBM DB2 Universal Database and Oracle products. For DB2 and Oracle databases, you must have at least 150 Megabytes of free disk space to successfully install the ENOVIA V5 tablespaces and data files. Whatever additional disk space you will need depends on the size of your database.

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Setting Up a Database Using IBM DB2 Universal Database Your computer needs to be a DB2 server. To find out whether the DB2 software on your computer is configured as a client or a server:. Select Start  All Programs  IBM DB2  Command Line Tools  Command Line Processor to open a command prompt window in the DB2 environment. Run the command: get dbm cfg. If a line like this appears at the top of the screen output: Node type = Enterprise Server Edition with local and remote clients your computer is already set up as a DB2 server.

If not, install the DB2 server before proceeding. Modifying the Stack Reserve Using the db2hdr Utility Before proceeding, make sure the DB2 server is not running. To check if it is already running, select Start  Control Panel  Administrative Tools  Services and check that the following DB2 services are up and running: DB2 - DB2 - 0 DB2 Governor DB2 - JDBC Applet Server If the DB2 server is running, stop it, then make sure that there is no db2sysc process running.

Then, increase the default stack size for the db2syscs.exe using the db2hdr utility as follows by, for example, selecting Start  All Programs  IBM DB2  Command Line Tools  Command Window, then running the following command to modify the stack reserve:%DB2InstallationPath% misc db2hdr%DB2InstallationPath% bin db2syscs.exe /s:512 You must then restart the DB2 server and create at least one database before starting the installation. To get help for db2hdr, run the utility without arguments:%DB2InstallationPath% misc db2hdr To check the current values of the db2 stacks, run the utility with one argument (full path for db2syscs.exe):%DB2InstallationPath% misc db2hdr%DB2InstallationPath% bin db2syscs.exe Once you have modified the stack reserve, start the above-mentioned DB2 services before proceeding. You can also configure the services to make sure that they are always running. To do so, select a service then right-click and choose 'Properties' on the contextual menu, then set the 'Startup type' to 'Automatic'. Once your computer has been set up as a DB2 server, log onto your Windows computer as DB2 database administrator. The default installation of DB2 on your computer typically sets up the DB2 database administrator with the following userid and password: db2admin db2admin. Select Start  All Programs  IBM DB2  General Administration Tools  Control Center to start the Control Center:.

Click OK to select the default advanced control center view. Click the + next to All Systems.

The name of the system on which DB2 the server is running is now visible in the tree. In our example, the system name is STEVANDSY. Click the + next to STEVANDSY, and navigate down the tree to select Databases:.

Click the right mouse button and select the contextual command Create Database  Standard. Using the Create Database Wizard dialog box, specify the name of the database and alias, and optionally provide a comment:.

Select the Region tab and check the Identity option for the collating sequence:. Click the Finish button. You can now step through the remaining dialog boxes and click the Next button each time to use the defaults. When you reach the Summary dialog box, click the Finish button to create the database. A progress dialog box informs you that the database is being created: The database is then created. The Control Center should now display the name of the database: Now that the database has been created, you have to update it appropriately so it can be used by the ENOVIA V5 server. But before being able to do so, you must first connect to the database.

Select the ENOVIAV5 database in the tree, then right-click and select the Connect. Command: The following is displayed:. In the Control Center window, select Tools  Command Editor to start the Command Editor. To select the target database which you want to update, click the Add. Button: The Specify Target dialog box is displayed.

Select the name of your database. In our example, this is ENOVIAV5:. Click OK.

The Command Editor window now looks like this: The Commands Entered area specifies that you have successfully connected to the database. Click in the Commands area (upper pane) and enter the following command: UPDATE DB CFG FOR MYDATABASE USING APPLHEAPSZ 4096 STMTHEAP 16000 DBHEAP 4200 LOGFILSIZ 16000 LOGSECOND 12 UTILHEAPSZ 10000 CATALOGCACHESZ 96 LOCKLIST 1000 APPCTLHEAPSZ 512 STATHEAPSZ 5022 NUMIOCLEANERS 2 MAXAPPLS 200 where MYDATABASE is the name of the database created earlier (ENOVIAV5 in our example). Note about the LOGFILSIZ Parameter If you use the database configuration parameters documented above, during an ENOVIA V5 VPM installation, the ENOVIA database will be set up correctly, and the default security mask will be imported. However, if you neglect to set the LOGFILESIZ parameter correctly, the default security mask import step may fail.


If a problem with the default mask is detected, the following error message: Although commit succeeded, mask was not created - Check Database configuration means that the mask was not created, but no error occurred during the commit phase. It may be because the database was not created using the LOGFILSIZ parameter.

In this case, update the database configuration using the correct LOGFILSIZ parameter value and reimport the mask using the command VPMPeopleUpdate -m as explained in 'People, Organization and Security Tools' in your Enterprise Architecture Administration Guide. Press the Execute arrow in the top left corner of the window to update the database: The command connects to the database then updates it with the appropriate parameters. Once the database has been updated, the message area at the bottom of the window confirms that the command completed successfully: You are now ready to install the ENOVIA V5 VPM server software. DB2 Performance Considerations ENOVIA V5 VPM has been developed to work optimally with DB2. However to take full advantage of the hardware available, a minimum amount of configuration may be necessary. The most important considerations consist in allocating enough BUFFERPOOL space, and in updating the database statistics by running the db2 RUNSTATS command.

Note: each ENOVIA V5 VPM installation may be unique due to a specific hardware configuration and system load (and there is no universal configuration that will be optimal). However, it is recommended to start with a simple configuration and tune it over time, using the input provided by the System Monitor tool.

Refer to the DB2 System Monitor Guide and Reference for information on monitoring the performance of a DB2 database. Bufferpool sizing This parameter is often the single most important factor affecting performance.

A bufferpool is a cache used for reading/writing database pages during SQL operations. In the ideal situation, the bufferpools will be large enough so that all the data read by ENOVIA V5 VPM stays resident in memory, therefore eliminating most I/O.

To determine if your bufferpool(s) is/are performing well, you can use the following monitor commands: db2 update monitor switches using bufferpool on # ask DB2 to # monitor bufferpool activity. Run ENOVIA V5 VPM for a while, under high load. Db2 get snapshot for bufferpools on VPMDB If the ratio between the number of data and index LOGICAL reads, and the number of data and index PHYSICAL read is very large, then a bufferpool is performing well and is large enough. A logical read is a request for reading a page, a physical read is reading this page from disk.

Once all required pages have been read in the bufferpool, no more physical reads are required. You should allocate as much space as necessary or, if possible, to the bufferpool(s). You may want to allocate as much as half the available memory to the bufferpool(s). To change the size of a bufferpool: db2 connect to VPMDB db2 alter bufferpool IBMDEFAULTBP size 10000 # 40 Megabytes db2 alter bufferpool VPMBP1 size 125000 # 1 Gygabyte (8K pages). Update the database statistics ENOVIA V5 VPM issues dynamic SQL to the DB2 server.

This type of SQL is compiled at run-time by the DBMS. The DB2 SQL optimizer will choose what it considers to be the optimal Access Plan based on the statistics existing on the database. It is very important for these statistics to be updated after the database has grown, because an access plan that is optimal with a table that contains for example 100 rows, may become catastrophic from a performance point-of-view for a table that contains 100000 rows.

You should update the statistics every time the ENOVIA V5 VPM data have been considerably modified, such as after importing data into the database. Db2 reorgchk update statistics on table all. Other configuration parameters improving performance The following parameters are recommended as they may contribute to improve the performance of an ENOVIA V5 VPM installation: Database registry db2set DB2HASHJOIN=ON db2stop; db2start; Note: to avoid errors occurring when saving parts, we recommend that you increase DB2 database APPCTLHEAPSZ. The default is 128. Increase it to 256 to avoid the problem. Setting Up a Database Using Oracle This section explains how to create a database for ENOVIA V5 VPM using Oracle. An Oracle server needs to be active, and you need to create at least one database before starting the installation.

For Oracle databases, you must have at least 150 Megabytes of free disk space to successfully install the ENOVIA V5 VPM tablespaces and data files. Whatever additional disk space you will need depends on the size of your database. For more information about Oracle administration, see the Oracle10 Server Administrator's Guide. Your computer needs to be an Oracle server, and the Oracle server must be running. One way of finding out whether the Oracle server is running on your computer (if you have already created a database) is to:. Select Start  All Programs  Oracle-OracleServer10g  Enterprise Manager Console to open the Enterprise Manager Console Login window. Select the Launch Standalone option (in our example, the server is on the local computer), then click OK.

The Console window opens. In the list on the left, click the '+' next to Network, then '+' next to the Databases, then double-click the name of an existing database. The Database Connect Information window appears.

Enter the username and password, for example: Username: SYSTEM Password: MANAGER where 'SYSTEM' and 'MANAGER' were initialized when creating the database, then click OK. A list of items now appears under the database name in the tree. Click the '+' next to Instance, then click Configuration.

In the Instance State area to the right, the 'Open' option is checked and the light is green indicating that the database is running. Alternatively, select Start  Control Panel  Administrative Tools  Services and check that the required Oracle service is up and running: OracleoracleServer10gTNSListener If not, start them before proceeding. You can also configure the services to make sure that they are always running. To do so, a service then right-click and choose 'Properties' on the contextual menu, then set the 'Startup type' to 'Automatic'. Note: because the installation on a remote database does not allow the creation of a new ENOTBS tablespace for storing ENOVIA V5 VPM tables, create it beforehand using the following procedure:.

Select Start  All Programs  Oracle-OracleServer10g  Application Development  SQL Plus. Log onto the database using the system user name and associated password, and specify the database name. After the SQL prompt, type: SQL create tablespace ENOTBS datafile 'MyPathTablespace ENOTBS.dbf' SIZE 70M AUTOEXTEND ON; SQL quit;. Once your computer has been set up as an Oracle server, log onto your Windows computer as Oracle database administrator. The default installation of Oracle on your computer sets up the Oracle database administrator with the following userid and password, for example: system manager.

Select Start  All Programs  Oracle-OracleServer10g  Configuration and Migration Tools  Database Configuration Assistant to start the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant:. Click the Next button to continue to display the Operations dialog box. Select the operation you want to perform: The option Create a database is already checked, so use this option. Click the Next button to display the Database Templates dialog box. Select a template from the list. We suggest that you select General Purpose:. Click the Next button to display the Database Identification dialog box.

Enter the Global Database Name and the SID. In our example, this is 'MYDBASE':. Click the Next button and step through the different database setup dialog boxes and click the Next button each time, until you display the Initialization Parameters dialog box.

Set the parameters, paying particular attention to the Character Sets and block size. Click the Next button and step through the different database setup dialog boxes and click the Next button each time. You eventually reach the Creation Options dialog box:. Click the Finish button to continue to the Summary:. Click OK to start creating the database: Once the database has been created, a dialog box appears confirming that the database creation is completed:. Enter the passwords and click Exit to finish.

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If you select Start  Control Panel  Administrative Tools  Services, you will see that the following Oracle service is running: OracleServiceXXX where xxx is the name of the database you created, for example: OracleServiceMYDBASE You are now ready to install the ENOVIA V5 VPM server software. Problems with Fetched Query Function in ENOVIA V5 VPM The way DB2 and Oracle databases are configured may cause problems with some ENOVIA V5 VPM functionalities (for example, fetched query).

This is due to the fact that the databases are configured to sort data according to the locale. The problem is that the result obtained after a sort from DB2 is different from a sort with Oracle which is different from a sort in the server.

The only combination that actually works is to have everybody do a binary sort. Therefore we strongly recommend configuring the database as explained below. NOTE: There is no absolute emergency to do it. The only impact is weird behavior of the fetch-query when using characters out of the 'a-z 0-9' range. DB2 When creating the database, add the COLLATE USING IDENTITY option to your CREATE DATABASE statement. CREATE DB mydb ON mypath COLLATE USING IDENTITY With DB2, it is not possible to modify this parameter once the database has been created.

This means that the only way to change it afterward is to do a full export, drop the DB, recreate it with the proper parameters and do a full import. Note: A backup/restore won't work as the old parameters will be restored as well. With your own database, you need to go through the export/import process.

We recommend the following:. Get a backup of your database. Get an exact image of the data structures using the command: db2look -d db2name -e -o db2output.clp -a -l -xp -f -P -i userid -w password.

Export all data from the database using the command: db2move db2name EXPORT. Drop your database. Recreate it with the proper parameters. Recreate the data structures using the db2output.clp file generated during the step 1. Import everything using the command: db2move db2name IMPORT (or LOAD) Oracle Add the two following parameters to the initSID.ora configuration file (SID stands for the Oracle instance name): NLSSORT=BINARY NLSCOMP=BINARY.

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