Administrator Guide For Avaya Definity


Administrator Guide For Avaya Definity Average ratng: 3,5/5 7854 reviews

Hello Everyone I am new to these forums, having JUST discovered this valuable resource. I am the IT Administrator for a Law Firm in NJ that has recently upgraded from a 15 year old Definity Switch to a brand new shiny s8800 server with three G650 Gateways. Our Old system was connected to an Equitrac CDR that recorded all call details and printed out daily phone reports showing what extensions made what calls, the duration, date, time and phone number of all calls made within the firm. This system worked fine. The data was sent to the CDR via a serial link which the old Definity switch had. Our new S8800 server is all IP based and does not have a serial port. We purchased an IOLAN box and were able to connect the CDR to the S8800 server via the IOLAN.

User Guide and. Administrator Guide. Installation must be performed in accordance with all national wiring rules. Using the DEFINITY Phone.

He Avaya Tech confirms that she is able to see and connect to the CDR. THE PROBLEM: The Avaya Technician INSISTS that they 'do not write scripts' and is not being helpful in anyway with getting Call Details into our CDR. I am not even sure the Technician is sure what to do as they seem to be trying every possible format one at a time to see what works. It has been almost three months we have gone without this data, it is getting costly and it's not fun having 20 plus lawyers breathing down your back to get something done that is out of your hands. Is a SCRIPT necessary to accomplish this task? OR Is it simply a matter of correctly filling out the CDR configuration screens?

Can ANYONE point me to a concrete example of how to accomplish this task? Is it possible to do using some method I can implement myself or is this somthing I MUST rely on the Avaya technicians for? I am very familiar with scripting, SQL, ODBC and Linux. I just don't have a clue as to how to go about getting this done with the Avaya techs stonewalling me at every step of the way. Any response is GREATLY appreciated Thanx! This program works great and may be a better alternative to your product, plus VXTracker has great Avaya support guys on staff.

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Administrator's Guide For Avaya Communication Manager

Voice System name: S8700 - CDR SYSTEM PARAMETERS Node Number (Local PBX ID): 1 CDR Date Format: month/day Primary Output Format: customized Primary Output Endpoint: CDR2 Secondary Output Format: Use ISDN Layouts? N Enable CDR Storage on Disk? N Use Enhanced Formats? N Condition Code 'T' For Redirected Calls? N Use Legacy CDR Formats? Y Remove # From Called Number? N Modified Circuit ID Display?

N Intra-switch CDR? Y Record Outgoing Calls Only? N Outg Trk Call Splitting?

Administration Guide For Avaya Definity

Y Suppress CDR for Ineffective Call Attempts? Y Outg Attd Call Record?

Y Disconnect Information in Place of FRL? N Interworking Feat-flag? N Force Entry of Acct Code for Calls Marked on Toll Analysis Form? N Calls to Hunt Group - Record: member-ext Record Called Vector Directory Number Instead of Group or Member? Y Record Agent ID on Incoming? N Record Agent ID on Outgoing? Y Inc Trk Call Splitting?

Y Inc Attd Call Record? N Record Non-Call-Assoc TSC? N Call Record Handling Option: warning Record Call-Assoc TSC? As i told you, the trick seems to be on the formatting of the output from de S8800, because the format your cdr is programmed to recognize may not be fitting with what the server delivers. Take a look at the post of scanengine.

The last part, page two of cdr administration screen, is letting you change the way the info is delivered to your cdr. Avaya server will only deliver plain numbers and letters (in case you use some fields that uses letters). As you can see, the field is composed of: number of field, name of the field, size of the field. Usually there should be a space in between fields, using another field to specify it as space with size of 1, so you can verify on the output file located on your tarification PC, what is being delivered. There are limits on the size of the fields, so that's why i told you about the file where you can find that info, so you can play a little with that and get what you need. What you say when getting date and then garbage makes me think about a date with more than 6 digits on size, so anything else delivered on that filed becomes garbage, and when next field is showing up, there's no way you can find where it starts.

So, do something like this: 1: date 6 2: space 1 3: time 4 4: space 1 5: duration 4 6: space 1. Dont forget to put in the end a return field and a line feed field, so there's a line break on the file for the next record. Hope it explains a little better what you need to do. Thank you so much for your replies Ferstrange. You have given me an idea. I think your idea of the formats being off has some merit and is worth looking into. If I can receive a date I should be able to receive other data.

Perhaps the date filed is either to big or to small and that throws everything off from there. I will take a look at the CDR output from the phone switch and compare that to what is being passed to Equitrac. They should be the same but at least this will put me in the right direction.

Administration Guide For Avaya Definity G3

Administrator Guide For Avaya Definity

It will also help me to see if data is being passed to the CDR and being ignored. Well i finally got the CDR collecting data, what a task! The main problem was configuring the Avaya phone switch. For whatever reasons the Reliable Protocol had to be disabled on the CDR interface. With it enabled the phone switch was not able to maintain a connection with the CDR via the IOLAN. The connection would come up and go down continuously.

Ironically DISABLING the Reliable protocol allowed for RELIABLE communications between the CDR and the Phone switch;) The other factor was the IOLAN line settings. The Equitrac CDR device was set at 1200 baud, how utterly ancient! I had the IOLAN device set at 9600 I just assumed nobody was communicating any slower than that these days. So I disabled the Reliable protocol and set the line setting to 1200 baud N-8-1 and the data started to flow into the buffer. Seems simple but it took a several months of digging to find those changes. The Reliable protocol issue was very difficult to find information about.

Thank you everyone for your help with this matter!

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