American Red Cross Instructor Manual Key Answer


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Emergency Medical Response Instructor Manual, (EA) Rev. Heart Association and American Red Cross Guidelines Update for First Aid. The workbook reinforces key concept and skills taught in the Emergency Medical Response textbook. This instructor's manual is part of the American Red Cross First. Being an American Red Cross Instructor. Appendix H: Written Exam Answer Keys..

American Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED – Instructor's Manual American Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED – Instructor's Manual Conclusion Lesson Length: 15 minutes GUIDANCE FOR THE INSTRUCTOR To complete this lesson and meet the lesson objectives, you must: Answer participants' questions. Conduct the appropriate scenario(s) for the course being taught.

Optional: Administer final written exams. LESSON OBJECTIVES After completing this lesson, participants will be able to: Apply knowledge and skills learned in course during an emergency scenario. MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES AED training devices and pads (one for every two participants) (AED courses) CPR breathing barriers (one for each participant) (CPR and AED courses) Manikins (one for every two participants) (CPR and AED courses) Nonlatex disposable gloves (multiple sizes) Scenario worksheet(s) (one for each pair) Optional: Pediatric AED training devices and pads as appropriate (one for every two participants) (AED courses) Optional: Final Written Exams, Answer Sheets and Answer Keys TOPIC: COURSE CONCLUSION SCENARIOS INSTRUCTION: Activity REFERENCE: Appendix F 1. Ask participants to find a partner. One person will be the responder while the other reads off the prompts from the scenario worksheet. Instructor’s Note: If you are conducting an AED scenario, have participants form groups of three for that scenario.

American Red Cross Instructor Manual Key Answer

All other scenarios must be conducted in groups of two. It will take more time than listed above to complete this lesson if you are using more than one scenario. Provide each pair with the appropriate scenario worksheet(s) for the course being taught and have them begin the scenario. If more than one scenario is used, have participants switch roles. OPTIONAL: FINAL WRITTEN EXAM 1. Distribute an exam and answer sheet to each participant. Tell participants that they many not refer to any materials during the exam.

Administer only those exams for the components that are included in the course being taught. Before Giving Care (correctly answer 8 out of 10 questions). This section applies to all courses but should be used only once when one or more courses are combined.

CPR—Adult (correctly answer 8 out of 10 questions) CPR—Child (correctly answer 8 out of 10 questions) CPR—Infant (correctly answer 8 out of 10 questions) AED (correctly answer 8 out of 10 questions) First Aid (correctly answer 12 out of 15 questions) 4. Grade the exam by using the answer key in Appendix J. Instructor’s Note: Written exams are not a required element of the First Aid/CPR/ AED program.

Written exams are provided for cases in which they are requested or required by an employer, course provider or state or local regulations. The CPR—Adult, Child and Infant written exam may be used for courses that include the Adult, Child and Infant components. Participants must correctly answer 10 out of 12 questions.

CLOSING INSTRUCTION: Discussion 1. Thank participants for their efforts during class and ask for any remaining questions. Remind participants that the participant’s manual and ready reference cards are designed to be used as an ongoing resource. The participant’s manual contains detailed information on topics covered in class as well as a wide range of additional topics not covered in the course. The ready reference cards can be kept handy for use in a medical emergency and include a wallet card for quick reference.

Issue course completion certificates for those who have satisfied all course requirements. Remind participants to contact their local Red Cross chapter for further information on enrolling in Preparedness and Health and Safety courses. ADULT CPR SCENARIOS 1 AND 2 Setup: Scenario 1 You are at a conference with several co-workers. One of your co-workers, Mara, has been complaining of chest pains since lunch, which she blamed on indigestion. Suddenly, Mara collapses.

Setup: Scenario 2 You are eating dinner at a wedding, when you hear a gasp coming from the table behind yours. You look over and notice a man lying on the ground. CHILD CPR SCENARIOS 1 AND 2 Setup: Scenario 1 You are with a friend playing Frisbee® at a park. You hear some commotion near the playground. You run over and see a 10-year-old boy lying motionless on the ground. Setup: Scenario 2 While walking your dog, you notice a group of children playing baseball.

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You see one of the children get struck with the baseball and then collapse to the ground. You tie your dog up and approach the scene. INFANT CPR SCENARIOS 1 AND 2 Setup: Scenario 1 At a family Christmas party, you and the other adults are sitting around the coffee table talking about your sister’s 6-month-old daughter, who is nearby in a play pen.

Your uncle tells a joke and everyone starts laughing. You look over to the play pen and notice that the infant is motionless. Setup: Scenario 2 A new mom is at the park with her 10-month-old infant. She reaches down to put away a toy in her bag. Afterward, she notices that the infant is motionless. She screams for help and you come over. AED SCENARIOS 1 AND 2 Setup: Scenario 1 You and a co-worker are eating lunch in the cafeteria when you notice a man (or a child) suddenly collapse.

You follow the emergency action steps CHECK—CALL—CARE. You instruct your co-worker to call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number and to get the AED from the break room while you begin CPR. When your co-worker returns with the AED you are actively performing CPR. You are both trained in CPR/AED.

Setup: Scenario 2 You are working at a clothing store in a busy shopping mall. You notice that several people are standing around an adult who has collapsed. You and a co-worker approach to investigate. You follow the emergency action steps CHECK—CALL—CARE. You instruct your co-worker to call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number and to get the AED from the food court while you begin CPR.

When your co-worker returns with the AED you are actively performing CPR. You are both trained in CPR/AED. FIRST AID SCENARIOS 1 AND 2 Setup: Scenario 1 You are talking with a man while waiting in line at the department of motor vehicles. The man drops his wallet, which he was holding with his left hand. He mumbles something but you cannot make out what he says. He leaves his wallet on the ground and sits down on one of the waiting room chairs.

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It appears that something is wrong. Setup: Scenario 2 You are sitting on a city bus when you notice a person slumped over in her seat, sweating and staring blankly ahead. The person sitting next to her says, “Somebody help, something is wrong.”.

Lifeguard Instructor (LGI) Training- This American Red Cross certification will prepare instructor candidates to teach Lifeguarding, Shallow Water Lifeguarding, Waterfront Skills, Waterpark Skills, CPR/AED for Professional Rescuers and Health Care Providers, Administering Emergency Oxygen and Bloodborne Pathogens Training: Preventing Disease Transmission courses and/or modules. Instructor candidates will also become familiar with Junior Lifeguarding, Lifeguard Management, Safety Training for Swim Coaches and Basic Water Rescue. Lifeguard Instructor & Instructor Trainer review courses & basic level test out available. Pre-requisites.

Be at least 17 years old on or before the last day of the instructor course (proof of age required) and possess a current American Red Cross or equivalent organization certificate for Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED. Those under the age of 18 must bring a signed waiver found on the page on the first day. Successfully complete the online Orientation to the Red Cross and Lifeguarding course. Successfully complete the online Lifeguarding Instructor Precourse Exam (80 percent or better). Successfully complete the Precourse Session. Certification: Valid for 2 years To become certified as a Lifeguarding instructor, instructor candidates must: ■ Successfully complete the Online Session.

■ Successfully complete the Precourse Session. ■ Attend and actively participate in all course sessions.

■ Successfully complete class activities, including the four practice-teaching assignments. ■ Score a minimum of 80% on the Bloodborne Pathogens Training Instructor Self-Study Test, basic-level Administering Emergency Oxygen final written exam, instructor course final written exam. Price $425 includes the non-refundable deposit, instructor manual and electronic participant manual as well as certification cards. If you do not pass the pre-requisite swim, the $150 non-refundable deposit will only be assessed.

American Red Cross Instructor Manual Key Answer

Option 1: Pay in full and receive a $50 discount off the total class fee of $425. Option 2: Pay $150 non-refundable deposit is required to hold a spot in this class. This deposit will be put towards the total if you pass the pre-requisites. Objectives Pre-requisites Must complete the following at a minimum of a.

American Red Cross

25 yards front crawl. 25 yards back crawl. 25 yards breaststroke. 25 yards sidestroke. 25 yards elementary backstroke. 15 yards butterfly.

2 minute tread water. 2 minute back float Age Must be 16 years old by the end of the course. Proof of age will be required on the first day. Those under the age of 18 must bring a signed waiver found on the page on the first day. Certification: Valid for 2 years Price $350 includes the non-refundable deposit, participant’s manual and PDF certification cards.

If you do not pass the pre-requisite swim, the $150 non-refundable deposit will only be assessed. Option 1: Pay $175 non-refundable deposit is required to hold a spot in this class. This deposit will be put towards the total if you pass the pre-requisites.

Option 2: Pay in full and receive a $50 discount off the total class fee of $325. Objectives Pre-requisites Must complete the following at a minimum of a. 25 yards front crawl. 25 yards back crawl. 25 yards breaststroke. 25 yards sidestroke. 25 yards elementary backstroke.

15 yards butterfly. 2 minute tread water. 2 minute back float Age Must be 16 years old by the end of the course. Proof of age will be required on the first day. Those under the age of 18 must bring a signed waiver found on the page on the first day.

Certification: Valid for 2 years Price $350 includes the non-refundable deposit, participant’s manual and PDF certification cards. If you do not pass the pre-requisite swim, the $150 non-refundable deposit will only be assessed. Option 1: Pay $175 non-refundable deposit is required to hold a spot in this class. This deposit will be put towards the total if you pass the pre-requisites. Option 2: Pay in full and receive a $50 discount off the total class fee of $325.

To be certified as an instructor, candidates must:. Successfully complete the prerequisite requirements. Attend and actively participate in all course sessions.

Successfully complete class activities including two practice-teaching assignments. Score at least 80 percent (20 correct answers out of 25 questions) on the instructor written exam. Price $375 includes the non-refundable deposit, instructor manual, and electronic participant manual. Option 1: Pay in full and receive a $25 discount off the total class fee of $375. Option 2: Pay $175 non-refundable deposit is required to hold a spot in this class.


Balance of $200 due the first day of class. Certification: Valid for 2 years To become certified as a CPR/AED/First Aid instructor, instructor candidates must: ■ Successfully complete the Online Session. ■ Successfully complete the Precourse Session.

■ Attend and actively participate in all course sessions. ■ Successfully complete class activities, including the two practice-teaching assignments. ■ Score a minimum of 80% on the Bloodborne Pathogens Training Instructor Self-Study Test and instructor course final written exam. Price $275 includes the non-refundable deposit, instructor manual and electronic participant manual as well as certification cards.

To be certified as an instructor, candidates must:. Successfully complete the prerequisite requirements. Attend and actively participate in all course sessions. Successfully complete class activities including two practice-teaching assignments.

Score at least 80 percent (20 correct answers out of 25 questions) on the instructor written exam. Price $375 includes the non-refundable deposit, instructor manual, and electronic participant manual.

Option 1: Pay in full and receive a $25 discount off the total class fee of $375. Option 2: Pay $175 non-refundable deposit is required to hold a spot in this class. Balance of $200 due the first day of class. Certification: Valid for 2 years To become certified as a CPR/AED/First Aid instructor, instructor candidates must: ■ Successfully complete the Online Session.

■ Successfully complete the Precourse Session. ■ Attend and actively participate in all course sessions.

■ Successfully complete class activities, including the two practice-teaching assignments. ■ Score a minimum of 80% on the Bloodborne Pathogens Training Instructor Self-Study Test and instructor course final written exam. Price $275 includes the non-refundable deposit, instructor manual and electronic participant manual as well as certification cards.

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