Neuroanatomy Study Guide Review


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  • Clinical Neuroanatomy: A Review with Questions and Explanations, Second Edition is specifically designed to provide students with a clear and succinct review of clinical neuroanatomy as well as prepare you for the National Boards.
  • The latter includes movies which are helpful in developing a three dimensional concept of the anatomy. The program also includes interactive quizzes.

Abstract The first edition of this neuroanatomy text is intended 'for medical, dental, and allied health students who are preparing for examinations.' Each of its 22 chapters is followed by questions and answers for self-evaluation, and its condensed form attempts to assuage students 'overwhelmed by factual detail.' All chapters are structured similarly, each beginning with a suggested plan for review.

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Every chapter is subdivided into succinct sections, and important points are emphasized and bolded. The text contains numerous black-and-white figures, most of which are clear and easy to follow. However, certain figures detailing the tracts and their connections, particularly of the cerebellum and thalamus, are laborious to study. Despite the author's assertion in the preface that there are 'numerous tables,' only three tables are found in the book.

Multiple choice, K-type, and matching questions end each chapter, and about half of the questions have written explanations. The text is well-indexed. Medical laboratory technician duties.

Study Guides These guides all come from students, so the accuracy of the study guides is not guaranteed. Please use your course material as your primary source of information.

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