Pearson Ready Gen Teacher Guide


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  1. [e24351] - Ready Gen Pearson Teacher Guide First Grade readygen teachers guide unit 1 grade 4 on amazoncom free shipping on qualifying offers readygen teachers guide unit 1 grade 4 by pearson.
  2. Pearson and ReadyGEN are trademarks, in the U.S. And/or other countries, of Pearson Education. Reader's and Writer's Journal Teacher's Guide, Units 1–4.

ReadyGEN is an integrated and well-balanced approach to reading and writing instruction. Unlike a traditional core basal offering, ReadyGEN was intentionally designed to provide students and teachers with the tools necessary to meet the Common Core instructional shifts.

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Pearson Readygen Teacher Guide Grade 2


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How does ReadyGEN meet our needs? ReadyGEN is a resource to help support both teachers and students with the instructional shifts of Common Core. The program consists of different units that focus on a variety of standards that are focused, on-going and embedded throughout the lessons. Pearson ReadyGEN Program For primary grades, K-2 ReadyGEN is split into 6 units with two different modules. Each module takes about 3 weeks to complete, taking 6 weeks total to complete a unit. For intermediate grades, 3-5 ReadyGEN is split into 4 units with two different modules. Each module takes about 4-5 weeks, taking 9 weeks total to complete a unit.

ReadyGEN has a lot of materials that go along with the program. Teachers are provided with Class set of main and secondary selections E-readers Scaffolding handbook Reader's journal handbook Phonics books and supplies Writer's handbook Teacher Editions Online Resources ReadyGEN has an online program that teachers and students can use: Assessments and IRLA After each unit is complete the students take an online quiz that addresses the focus standards the students have been learning.

What is ReadyGEN? Pearson ReadyGEN is a K-5 district adopted reading comprehension program that aligns with the Common Core State Standards. ReadyGEN supports the six instructional shifts that teachers are experiencing with moving forward with Common Core. They are: Balancing informational and literary text Knowledge in the disciplines Staircase of complexity Text-based answers Writing from sources Vocabulary What ReadyGEN looks like in a the classroom Materials Evidence Guide Teachers use this evidence guide to help plan and structure their reading block. ReadyGEN and IRLA are connected through the leveling of the books. Teachers are able to look at the different levels of the ReadyGen books and plan for effective instruction. What questions do you have about our new reading series?

Pearson Ready Gen Teacher Guide

Planning for instruction Differentiated Instruction Through effective planning, teachers are able to differentiate their instruction in order to meet the needs of all learners. Pearson's ReadyGEN supports differentiated instruction through it's scaffolding book, phonics book, and other resources they provide for the various grade levels. Differentiation and Enrichment Enrichment Teachers can also use ReadyGEN to enrich their learners. The program has higher level reading books for students during small group instruction. The Pasco County Canvas website supports teachers instruction by giving performance based tasks for higher achieving students to complete. The task vary in level to support the differentiated enrichment that take place in the classroom.


Example of 3rd grade performance task:

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