Camp Joy Manual 2016


Camp Joy Manual 2016 Average ratng: 4,2/5 3559 reviews

HUNTSMAN A prisoner named Butter who hangs out around Griff in the Camp Kitchen, usually on the balcony. SCOUNDREL A prisoner named Hilde who roams the area around Griff. She explicitly introduces herself as a fence and carries some good weapons and armor, too. (Careful, provoking a fight with Griff can draw her in as well.) WARFARE An armed lizard named Kalias inside the anti-Griff prisoners' cavern, near the exit.

Joy Manual

(Be careful with the Red Prince; it's easy to provoke a fight to the death between the two.) AEROTHEURGE A squirrely staff-wielding prisoner named Gawin who tries to talk you into ditching your companions to help hm escape. He roams the camp, generally somewhere northeast of the shrine. GEOMANCER A prisoner named Maol who hangs along the shoreline in the southwest, just past the Pyrokinetic merchant. HYDROSOPHIST A lizard prisoner named Rezik who hangs out just south of Gawin, the Aerothurge merchant. NECROMANCER A diseased prisoner named Mona in a large tent between the Camp Kitchen and the large magister-guarded gate.


(Make sure the person you send to trade has magical armor; her disease is contagious.) PYROKINETIC The drug-addled lizard named Stingtail who is being stalked by the elf companion on the southern beach. POLYMORPH Doctor Leste, who is just outside the refugee cave. SUMMONING The tinker Nebora, in a tent near the western gate; this is the character who offers to take your collar off after you win in the arena. All credit, collectively, to r/DivinityOriginalSin; we assembled this info together.


The Camp Joy Summer Program is a four-week, day-long summer camp program. This program is available to Boston residents with disabilities, ages 3 - 22, and their siblings, ages 3 - 7.

Camp Joy provides an inclusive and supportive environment. Participants receive a nutritious breakfast and lunch. We also offer door-to-door transportation, eliminating barriers to services. Each BCYF Camp Joy site has a licensed nurse. All program staff are professionally trained and CPR certified.

2016 Staff Manual. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Camp Joy's Philosophy. History Of Camp Joy. Your Way Around Camp. Map Of Main Camp.

Youth in the Camp Joy Summer Program take part in activities that encourage peer-to-peer interaction, such as:. group games. swimming. adaptive sports and gym time. arts and crafts, and. field trips to local sites like the zoo and activities like bowling.

Meet David, a/k/a 'Peter Parker,' a Longtime Camp Joy Participant On a recent Saturday, fresh from an hour of fun in the pool with the BCYF Camp Joy Winter Program, sixteen-year-old David sat down on a couch in the teen center. He has been coming to Camp Joy’s summer and winter programs for many years. He introduces himself as David Gonzalez, Jr. But he’d prefer to be called “Peter Parker,” the real name of Spider-Man, because he is very into superheroes.


Lg Joy Manual

His love for them began with the Powerpuff Girls, a children’s cartoon, when he was younger, and has since grown to encompass most if not all superheroes. But his favorite by far is Spider-Man.

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