2 Zoology Practical Guide


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Practical examination is one of the testing tools to analyse the skills of students. Zoology Practicals analysis the students’ ability to perform the experiments, identify spotters and skills in dissections. Practical knowledge related to handling of animals during dissection is one of the important skills required for biology students. After entering the hall, keep your neatly covered certified practical record before the examiner, collect your answer sheet and take your seat. Fill your details in the answer booklet. Read the question paper written on the black board. As you have sufficient time to complete the exam, no need to get tensed.

ZO-104: Practical Zoology. Uttarakhand Open University. 1.1-Objectives: • To study. A Manual of Practical Zoology Invertebrates-Dr.P.S.Verma. Browse and Read 2 Zoology Practical Guide For Plus Two 2 Zoology Practical Guide For Plus Two That's it, a book to wait for in this month. Even you have wanted for long time for releasing this book 2 zoology.

2 Zoology Practical Guide Ebook 2 Zoology Practical Guide currently available at www.comercomer.co for review only, if you need complete ebook 2 Zoology Practical Guide please fill out.

Draw all the diagrams with neat labelling. Practical Examination Marks Division Scheme Time: 3 hrs Max. Zoology Practicals - Scheme of Valuation TIME: 3 HRS MAXIMUM MARKS: 30 MARKS Examples: I) Dissect and display the nervous system of Earthworm.

Draw a diagram. (Marks 10) i) Diagram & labelling. 5 marks ii) Dissection & display - 5 marks II) Identify the presence of starch in the samples A, B, C, D provided. Write the principle and procedure. Marks scheme: principle - 1 mark Procedure - 2 marks Results - 2 marks Total: 5 marks III) Identification of Five spotters: total marks: 10 (5 X 2) a)Invertebrate slide - 2 M i) Scheme. Identification - ½ M ii)Diagram with labeling - ½ M iii) Identification points - 1M b) Invertebrate specimen - 2 M c) Vertebrate slide - 2 M d) Vertebrate specimen - 2 M e) One bone - 2 M IV) Record Book - 5 Marks. Question 1:.

It is the dissection. Draw the neat labelled diagram of given dissection in the first page of answer book. No need to write anything about the dissection. 10 marks are allotted for this question.

Out of that marks 5 marks are allotted to labelled diagram and 5 for dissection and display. At the time of dissection, you display the important parts of that system by keeping pieces of black papers/film under them. After completing the written part, do the experiment and show the result to examiner and enter the same in your answer sheet. Question 3:. You have to identify 5 spotters. Each one carries 2 marks. You are required to identify the spotter, draw labelled diagram and write 4 or 5 points to support the identity.

Write the points legibly after completion of neat labelled diagram of each spotter. Topics for Practicals Junior Intermediate I. Invertebrate Permanent Slides. Amoeba (whole mount).

Euglena (whole mount). Paramecium (whole mount). Paramecium Binary fission. Paramecium Conjugation.

Hydra (whole mount). Taenia solium – scolex. Taenia solium mature proglottid (T.S). Mouth parts of Anopheles or Culex (male). Mouth parts of Anopheles or Culex (female). Mouth parts of housefly.

Mouth parts of Butterfly II. Permanent Histology Slides (Animal Tissues). Squamous epithelium.

Columnar epithelium. T.S. Of cartilage. T.S.

Of Bone. Blood smear of mammal. Striated muscles. Smooth muscles.

Cardiac muscles III. Invertebrate Specimens. Euspongia. Aurelia.

Metridium. Taenia solium. Ascaris – male. Ascaris – female. Nereis. Hirudinaria.

Scolopendra. Julus. Palaemon. Aranea.

2 Zoology Practical Guide English Medium

Palamnaeus. Unio.

Pila. Asterias IV. Dissections.

2 Zoology Practical Guide

Earthworm a)Digestive system b) Nervous system c) Spermathecae. Cockroach a)Mouth parts b) Digestive system c) Nervous system Senior Intermediate I. Vertebrate Permanent Histological Slides. T.S. Of Stomach. T.S. Of Intestine.

T.S. Of Kidney.

T.S. Of Liver. T.S. Of Pancreas. T.S.

Bio -zoology Practical Guide For+2 For Tn

Of Testis. T.S. Vertebrate Specimens. Hydrophis. Naja naja.

Bungarus. Vipera russellii.

Echis carinata III. Joints & Bones of Rabbit. Ball & socket joint. Hinge joint. Pivotal joint. Gliding joint.

Humerus. Radius & ulna. Femur. Tibiofibula. Atlas. Axis.

Dissections: Frog (Phyllobatrachus Tigrinus, old name Rana tigrina) a. Digestive system b. Arterial system (3 main arterial trunks on one side only) c. Venous system (3 main veins entering into sinus venosus) d. Urinogenital system V. Physiology Experiments:.

Digestion of starch by salivary amylase. Presence of starch in given sample.

Presence of sugar in given sample. Presence of ammonia in given sample.

Presence of albumin in given sample K. Sreenivasulu, Sr. Zoology Lecturer.

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